Since 2020, Kelly has consulted with nonprofit organizations and has developed a framework for helping nonprofits build individual giving programs that blow donor retention numbers out of the water (achieving 60-80% donor retention for her clients) while allowing fundraising efforts to be more supportive of and less separate from programmatic work. She’s an outside-the-box thinker and engaging speaker who can weave stories from spreadsheets, helping you better understand your donor data to empower you with information you never thought possible from a bunch of numbers.
Our Experts
Jack Alotto
Beth Archer, GPC, RSM
Angela Barnes
Rachel Bearbower
Nikki Bell
Gregg Bossen
Jeff Brooks
Maria Bryan
Robin Cabral
Presented by Canva
Denisa Casement
Simon Choy
Claudia Cometa
Kelly Cristaldi
Meena Das
Raffi DerSimonian
Megan Donahue
Roxanne Eflin
Allison Ehrich Bernstein
Shereese Floyd
Microsoft Tech for Social Impact
Caroline Fothergill
Brian Frankel
Danielle Gines
Caliopy Glaros
Ephraim Gopin
Meredith Gray
Chris Hammond
Jeremy Haselwood
Daryl Hatton
Courtney Hodge
Micah James
Jas Jhooty
Chris Johnson, CRA, RSM
Floyd Jones
Susan Kahan
Dominic Kalms
Dominic Kalms
Zac Kester
Ilia Khairetdinov
Josh Kligman
Cherian Koshy
Brittany LaGanke
Marcelle Lee
Diane Leonard, GPC
Kristina Leroux
Kivi Leroux Miller
Kelly McLaughlin
Mariah Monique
Matthew Montoya
Julie Paynotta, GPC, RSM
Ligia Pena
Maggie Perry, GPC, RSM
Angela Pitter
Alice Ruhnke
Brian Saber
Simon Scriver
Taylor Shanklin
Dana Snyder
Emilie Socash
Shelly St. John
Michelle Stein
A.J. Steinberg
Kurt Steiner
Dannielle Stewart
John Mark Vanderpool
Lauren Vanderpool
Frank Velásquez Jr
Erica Waasdorp
Osamu Wakabayashi
Sabrina Walker Hernandez
Joe Waters