Shelly St. John

Shelly St. John

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Shelly St John has over 30 years of experience developing and implementing marketing and fundraising plans for for-profit and nonprofit organizations and has served as a live charity auctioneer over the last 15 years.

  1. Conducted over 700 events as Auctioneer, Emcee, and Speaker

  2. Raised over $125 Million for Charity

  3. Is a Frequent Guest on Podcasts

  4. Former Host of Nonprofit Radio


Shelly St John is the founder of Shelly St John Inspires and The Auction Divas. She is a keynote speaker, speaker performance coach, and fundraising auctioneer working to help people build their businesses and attract new clients and donors through her programs “Charity Event Growth Strategy Hacks” and “BADASS Public Speaking”.  Having appeared as Auctioneer, Emcee, and Speaker at over 700 events, Shelly is no stranger to the stage. 

As an entrepreneur who spent 20+ years in her marketing firm and 15 years as an auctioneer, Shelly has spent her lifetime learning how to read an audience and to influence the way they react. Her focus is to train Auctioneers, CEO’s, Executive Directors, Development Professionals, Event Planners and Committee Members to CONNECT with their audience(s) to help them make decisions that inspire action.