$49.99A Whopping 98% of the People Who Attended This Nonprofit Webinar Recording Rated It As Great to Excellent!
This recorded course is brought to you by a GPA-approved trainer. Diane Leonard, GPC is 1 of only 25 GPA-approved trainers.
A common first step of private foundation applications is the letter of inquiry (LOI). Not to be confused with a letter of intent often required by government grantmakers, letters of inquiry can be a barrier to grant-seeking success if you aren’t careful. You need to engage your letter of inquiry reader right away to be invited to submit a full proposal.
Viewing the webinar recording “Mastering the Critical 1st Step for Grants: Letter of Inquiry (LOI)” will walk you through, step-by-step, how to write a letter of inquiry that will grab your potential funder’s attention.
In this nonprofit webinar recording, we will look at the steps necessary to write a successful letter of inquiry that will elicit the request for a full proposal from a grantmaker that you are seeking.
We will look at and critique successful and unsuccessful LOIs to help understand how to improve your own LOI for future submissions.
“Mastering the Critical 1st Step for Grants: Letter of Inquiry (LOI)” will give you the basic steps necessary to successfully write a compelling letter of inquiry whether in a limited online form, a two-page hard copy letter, or anything in between.
Join this nonprofit training on how to write grants for nonprofits, and learn the tools to write the best LOI you can write, so you can take your nonprofit organization on the right way in the application process for nonprofit grants!
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About Your Topic Expert:
Diane is specifically qualified to teach this webinar because:
Diane H. Leonard, GPC, RST is a Grant Professional Certified (GPC), Approved Trainer of the Grant Professionals Association, and a Registered Scrum Trainer.
Diane began her career as a Program Officer for a state-wide grantmaking organization and she continues to serve as a reviewer for a variety of grantmaking organizations. Since 2006, when she formed DH Leonard Consulting, Diane and her team have secured more than $98 million in competitive grant awards and Diane has personally trained more than 69,978 nonprofit professionals.
When not working with her team, Diane can be found in the 1000 Islands, out for a run, or drinking a strong cup of coffee.
What Attendees Said about This Nonprofit Webinar Recording:
“This session was excellent. Very clear and informative. I left with a very clear understanding of best practices for navigating the LOI process from start to finish and how to write compelling LOI's. The instructor also did a great job of thoroughly answering questions and facilitating an engaging environment while covering a lot of helpful material.”
Kaley Kawi, Equitable Growth
“Diane Leonard is a grant-writing guru! She is always a wealth of information, no matter how long you've been writing grants. I love taking her webinars.”
Kellye Buchanan, The Vision of Children Foundation.
“Diane was incredibly knowledgeable and engaging during the webinar, interacting with attendees, answering questions, expounding on responses and comments made in the chat during the webinar.”
Evelyn Huynh, Family Giving Tree
“Great webinar by Diane, who made the format engaging and even fun -- lots of great nuggets for my next Letter of Inquiry.”
Holly Daniels, The Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement
“Diane Leonard presents in a very clear and easy to understand format. I thought the guidance given was useful and very practical. “
Marielle Van Thuyne, National Kidney Foundation Inc.
“Great intro webinar on writing letters of inquiry as well as a view into how grantors and funders review requests for proposals and letters.”
Hannah Cohen, Academy Center of The Arts
“Diane is a great presenter - this course was engaging and provided valuable knowledge and tools! Great for those new to grant writing and as a refresher for grant-writing professionals.”
Elissa Gibb, Ceres Community Project
“Diane is extremely knowledgeable and presents information in an engaging manner. I always take something away from her webinars.”
Angela Jordan, Five Talents
“I've been a grant writer for 15 years. The first part of my career I was involved with writing grants to the NIH, which are very different from grant request to foundations. Over the last 5 years, I've written a lot of grant request and LOIs and feel like I'm an expert. Even so, I learned a lot in this webinar - a couple of things I had not ever considered. Diane is an excellent presenter and has deep knowledge of the field.”
Susan Schroeder, Parenting Now!
“I thought Diane was incredibly knowledgeable and interesting. I struggle with finding the right information to include in a LOI, so this was really great.”
Jennifer Fowkes, I Tri Girls
“Diane Leonard is an amazing presenter. AS I watched and listened, I felt as if I was in a room with Diane. She is without a doubt "subject matter expert" and I look forward to learning more from her! Thank you Diane for teaching this old timer something new!”
Eilzabeth Leeman, CRi
“Participating in the webinar helped me feel confident in my new grant-related job duties because it helped me understand the little steps that I can take to make the whole journey more understandable and approachable.”
Jennifer Bresee, Revenwood
“Diane's experience in the grants world gives her a great perspective to share with those who are just starting to learn this craft. She is concise and clear in her delivery and responsive to participants.”
Deb Wells, Alzheimer's Association
“I would recommend this webinar to anyone beginning a career in grant writing and having trouble figuring out where to start. Because of the information I learned, I feel I can move forward more confidently in the grant process.”
Madelyn Hogrebe, GenerateHealth
For more on nonprofit grants, check out these webinars.
Enroll in the "Grant Writing 101" webinar for fundamental insights. Learn to craft successful grant applications, securing funding with well-structured components.
Join our nonprofit webinar, where we’ll guide you through the steps to make sure you’re “grant ready” as a potential recipient of federal grants for nonprofits.
In this grant writing training, you will learn the steps necessary to write a grant application that engages your reviewers and compels them to advocate for you.
Join us for this 90-minute nonprofit webinar where Brian will be sharing his insights on How to Ask for Donations one to one successfully.
In our nonprofit webinar, you will learn how to create an impactful direct mail appeal that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take action.