Transforming Your Nonprofit's Social Media: A Workshop for Strategic Content Creation (Recording)

  • Duration
    90 Minutes
  • Author
    Jeremy Haselwood
  • Course Level
  • Year Created


Transforming Your Nonprofit's Social Media: A Workshop for Strategic Content Creation (Recording)

Is your nonprofit new to social media or frustrated with your existing social media performance? Creating more content won’t fix your problem. Creating an editorial calendar alone won’t fix your problem.

It may be time to pause and re-evaluate WHY you are doing social media in the first place. Is it to communicate with your donors, tell stories about those you serve, raise funds, what’s the purpose? This workshop will help you reframe your social media through the lens of theme-driven content that connects with your audiences. Moving your nonprofit's social media from good, nonexistent, or mediocre to GREAT!

This Recorded Workshop is Perfect for you if:

  • You are frustrated with your social media engagement
  • You are disorganized with your social media content
  • You have recently started or taken over social media responsibilities for your nonprofit
  • Your nonprofit has no social media strategy
  • It’s time for a tune-up on your nonprofit’s social media
  • You appreciate the value of learning from others in a workshop format

During This Nonprofit Workshop, You Will Learn:

  • The OCD Model (no, not THAT OCD) will help you organize, plan, and execute your social media
  • How to conduct a quick audit on your existing social media accounts
  • How to create a vision for your social media
  • How to identify social media content themes that connect with your audience
  • How to use a social media template to organize and plan your content
  • How to use AI to help write your content calendar

 You’ll Get These BONUS Materials:

  1. Social Media Audit Checklist
  2. Social Media Vision Template
  3. Social Media Editorial Calendar Template
  4. ChatGPT Social Media Prompt Sheet
  5. The Workshop Slides 
  6. The Workshop Recording
  7. Nonprofit Identity Worksheet
  8. Social Media Content Themes Guide 

About Your Topic Expert:

Jeremy Haselwood is a marketing and business expert with over 20 years of experience. With a degree in Marketing and an MBA, Jeremy has held leadership positions at multiple marketing agencies, leading digital strategy for brands like Coca-Cola and The Salvation Army. The digital and social media strategies he orchestrated helped nonprofits generate over $100 million in online revenue.

With Jeremy’s own consultancy, Ampla Marketing, he partners with and provides education to nonprofits around the world. His focus is online fundraising, which includes social media, online advertising, email, and digital strategy.

In addition to running his company, he’s also the author of the Amazon Best-Seller, The Digital Fundraising Blueprint: How to Raise More Money Online for Your Nonprofit.

What Attendees Said about This Nonprofit Webinar:

“The training was very hands-on, practical, and productive. Left with lots of great resources and tools to support our success!”

Autumn Kelley, Hope Services

“The content of the workshop was excellent, and I loved networking with others while using the materials supplied to begin the work to audit and strategize our social media content.“

Naomi Carleton, First 5 Fundamentals

“I really enjoyed the breakout rooms and polls. That helped me to feel more present and apart of the workshop. Thank you”

Nia Rose, Martha's Table.

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