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With the All-In-One Google Grants Service the average nonprofit spends $300 per month and benefits from $6,000 per month in free Google advertising, and it's all managed for you!
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Your nonprofit is eligible to receive up to $10,000 per month in free online advertisingfrom Google Grants to promote your website at the top of Google search results pages. How much you benefit from this free advertising depends on how much time and AdWords search engine marketing expertise you have.
Google Grants is a potential annual online advertising budget of $120,000 for you. That’s money that doesn't have to come from your existing marketing budget or from donors. Can you imagine what your nonprofit could do with this endless supply of free online advertising? No? Well here are some nonprofit marketing initiatives Google Grants can tackle for you:
promoting events and selling tickets
growing online donations and fundraising
raising awareness
building email lists
connecting with supporters
recruiting volunteers
initiating sponsor relationships
signing up newsletter subscribers
registering memberships
On average nonprofits who attempt to implement and manage Google grants themselves only realize $300 of the $10,000 monthly ad funding while nonprofits who leverage the “All-In-One Google Grants Service” benefit from $6,000 of the $10,000 on average every month.
Let's face the facts. The majority of nonprofits don't have the time, in-house expertise, or resources to benefit from all of the $10,000 worth of free advertising provided by Google every month.
Do you or your co-workers have AdWords certification and/or search engine marketing training?
Let's suppose your nonprofit has $300 per month to use on advertising for a fundraising event. You spend time working on the copy, the creative, postcards, postage, email marketing, web marketing, and more. So far you’ve spent $300 per month and you didn't get much in return because it’s not a lot of marketing dollars even for small nonprofits.
ConnectAd, a CharityHowTo Partner, will do everything for you; they have the time, expertise, and resources to take the burden of managing and growing your AdWords advertising campaigns right off your shoulders.
Guide you through the Google for Nonprofit and Google Grants applications from start to finish
Consult on landing pages designed for supporters to take action on your website (e.g. enter their email, register to volunteer, make a donation, subscribe to a newsletter)
Perform keyword research
Develop and implement ad campaigns
Create ad text and ad copy
Provide monthly ad campaign monitoring, management, and optimization
Report account and campaign performance on a monthly basis
Our team is AdWords certified by Google
ConnectAd only works with nonprofits and charities
We help nonprofits benefit from most of the $10,000 of free advertising every month instead of just a fraction of it
100% Google Grant application success rate
ConnectAd manages over $6.7 million worth of annual Google Grants free ad funding
Our expertise generates more than 100 million ad views per year on Google search results pages
No Obligation! Cancel at Any Time! Sign-up Now!
On average nonprofits who attempt to implement and manage Google Grants themselves only realize $300 of the $10,000 monthly ad funding while nonprofits who leverage the “All-In-One Google Grants Service” benefit from $6,000 of the $10,000 on average every month.