How to Write an Awesome Annual Report With Gratitude and Impact

  • Duration
    90 Minutes
  • Author
    Denisa Casement
  • Course Level
  • Year Created
  • CFRE Approved
    1.50 Points



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How to Write an Awesome Annual Report With Gratitude and Impact
Top Rated

If You Register and Cannot Attend, You Will Get the Webinar Recording, Slides, and Bonus Materials.

A Whopping 90% of the People Who Attended This Nonprofit Webinar Rated It As Great to Excellent!

Too often, we publish annual reports that are too long and too full of data people don’t want or need. An awesome Annual Report focuses on the heart of the mission showing how giving impacts the people and communities you serve.  Donors, volunteers, grant makers, and other key stakeholders want to know the results of your work. They want to know their investments make meaningful change in real people’s lives. During this webinar, Denisa will show you how to craft an annual report that will inspire and engage your donors.

What You Will Learn from this Live Nonprofit Webinar

  • Annual Report:  Basic Elements
  • How to Organize Your Project Team & Timeline
  • How to Engage Your Audience:  Storytelling and Gratitude
  • Using Design Basics to Engage Readers
  • How to Use Infographics for Impact
  • Creating a Meaningful Call to Action
  • Publication Options:  Print and Online

This Webinar is Perfect for You, If…

  • You’re tired of writing a 15 page+ annual report every year.
  •  Your donors don’t read your annual report.
  •  You need to make your annual report more appealing to current and potential donors.
  •  You want an update on best practices for a donor-centered annual report.

You’ll Get These BONUS Materials:

  1. Sample Annual Reports in multiple formats
  2. Annual Report:  Essential Elements
  3. Annual Report: Do's & Don'ts Checklist
  4. Annual Report Online Resources
  5. The Webinar Slides
  6. The Webinar Recording

About Your Topic Expert:

Denisa Casement is specifically qualified to teach this webinar because: 

  1. Has been producing annual reports for over two decades
  2. Has helped create hundreds of annual reports for small, medium, and large nonprofit boards and committees
  3. She will show you how to create annual reports that inspire your supporters by connecting with them to the heart of your mission.

Presented by International Nonprofit Consultant and Coach Denisa Casement, CFRE. Denisa has 21 years of experience in nonprofit leadership, strategy, multi-channel marketing, and donor-centered communications to drive retention and growth. She is the founder and CEO of The Casement Group, an international team of experts focused on helping nonprofits grow sustainable fundraising with donor-centered communications, superior donor care and measuring what matters.

Denisa and her team take pride in their reputation for practical, real-world implementation driven by their years of “boots on the ground” experience. Denisa is an international presenter and experienced trainer. Her teaching ranges from the Fundraising Certificate in Ireland to direct marketing boot camps, masterclasses, and webinars. She has led donor-centered fundraising programs and teams across 7 countries, most recently managing an international team across four continents, from her home base in Tucson, Arizona.

What Attendees Said about This Nonprofit Webinar:

“This webinar was a big WOW: a very knowledgable presenter with a wide array of resources, examples of everything she spoke about, and all the tools I need to put together an excellent annual report.”

J Bevan Linsley, Aquidneck Community Table

“Every now and then a webinar comes along that is filled with practical and detailed information that makes you feel confident to tackle the project (Annual Report) and know you will do it successfully.  This webinar is one of those that really helps.

Garreth Lynch, Ph.D. Boys & Girls Club of Plymouth

“Appreciate Denisa sharing her expertise and insight. I feel *empowered* to write a terrific and visually compelling annual report. Thank!”

Christine Sylvain, Path to College

“This was a great webinar! Lots of great points, I took 3 pages of notes! I could listen to the presenter all day long, she was funny and very enjoyable to listen to. I feel like I'm ready for my next annual report.”

Stephanie Koehler, Friends of the Animal Center Foundation

“Comprehensive, thorough, engaging, informative...well worth the 90 minutes!”

Carmella Grahn, Door of Hope

“I liked the very tactical information and so many great examples.  Wonderful, engaging speaker! I will definitely be referring to these slides and resources when the Annual Report comes up on my to-do list. Thank you.”

Sheila Driscoll, Holland College

“This webinar was great and the speaker was very knowledgeable. She was excited to present on this topic and it showed and made me want to focus even more. I've never done an annual report before so the tips and tricks she offered will definitely be top of mind when we go into production.”

Caitlyn Conibear, Steps to End Domestic Violence

“Being part of a small organization, I wear many hats.  This webinar and many of the other webinars have helped me fill in the gaps of knowledge as well as making certain tasks feel overwhelming.”

Barbara Slattery, Mass Farmers Markets

“This was a very useful webinar with a lot of great ideas for both design and content for an annual report!  Thanks so much for reinvigorating a rather dull topic!”

Karen Stoila, Casa San Jose

“Terrific content makes me feel confident I can go from "never created an annual report" to "ready to get it done!" Thank you!”

Sharlene Sones, The next play

“The webinar had it all: an enthusiastic and knowledgeable presenter, lots of visuals, great samples of annual reports. It flowed smoothly and gave me ideas on how to face the oft-dreaded annual report.”

Andrea Naso-Nord, The Clear View School

“I found this webinar extremely helpful. The information presented was clear, the PowerPoint was well organized, the examples were very helpful, and the presenter was highly knowledgeable. I gained a lot of insight that will be very useful in creating my organization's annual report. Thank you.”

Amy Chin, Literacy Network of South Berkshire, Inc.

“This webinar included lots of up-to-date information with clear explanations for why things need to change, stay the same, or be updated in our annual report layouts!  Looking forward to making these changes.”

Emily Cosby, The Center for Courageous Kids

“Denisa was so engaging and fun - she really made learning about Annual Reports exciting! I wasn't expecting to enjoy this webinar as much as I did.”

Laura Jasinski, Charles River Conservancy

“WOW, we learned so much and are grateful for the download materials and resources.  You have so much knowledge - thank you for sharing!”

Page Van Amson, Needham Community Council

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If You Register and Cannot Attend, You Will Get the Webinar Recording, Slides, and Bonus Materials.

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